

What is Influencer Marketing?


Customization aside, let’s talk about what influencer marketing even is.

As we know it today, influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that involves the endorsement of products, services, etc by people who have a dedicated following online and are looked at as experts in their niche. Pretty cut and dry.

It’s predicated on trust. An influencer is trusted by their audience – their highly engaged audience – and when they make a recommendation for a product, it’s taken seriously because of the built-up trust. 

Taking a step back though, the modern, digital version of an influencer is really just an evolution of the much-beloved word of mouth recommendation from someone whose opinion you value. 

Influencers have the power to affect and guide purchasing decisions and because of that, there is immense value in adding them to your marketing mix.

Influencer marketing services are a big business. Nearly 90% of marketers say the return on investment from influencers is comparable or better than their other channels hence why 65% of companies with influencer marketing budgets will be increasing them in 2020. 

As it’s becoming more and more clear that it’s wildly effective, it’s set to be a $10 billion industry in 2020 and reach $15 billion by 2022.

The fact of the matter is that it works.

But before you start thinking an influencer is out of reach, consider that influencer doesn’t automatically mean celebrities, movie stars, singers, athletes, etc. and the back-breaking budgets they require. Of course for the right brand, that’s worth it but the options are quite literally endless with respect to influencers.

Micro-influencers, those with followers in the 2,000 to 50,000 range, are a cost-effective strategy and actually have higher engagement levels, 7 times higher as a matter of fact, than those with larger followings.

Which network to use influencers on is both company and influencer specific. We see the highest engagement levels on Instagram but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the best avenue for you. 70% of teenage YouTube users, for example, say they relate to creators more than traditional celebrities.

There’s truly an influencer for every budget and niche and as a dedicated influencer marketing company, we’re hellbent on matching you with those who work best for you.



How Our Agency Does Influencer Marketing


Process leads to results and our influencer marketing services are driven by data and measurable metrics, not a hope and a prayer.

1. Analyze

We want to get the whole perspective on your needs and objectives so we go deep with you in analyzing your business. In this phase, we also develop your target audience, what they look like, what the sound like, who they follow and more.

2. Strategize

After getting a clear picture of who you need to be speaking to, we get into the details of how your campaign will function. Ultimately, your goals set the base and we create a unique strategy to push it forward.

3. Find Influencer and Platform

Tailoring and customization are at the core of your campaign and this is really where it matters most. Finding the right person to deliver your message and on the platform that makes the most sense is paramount, in fact, it’s the only way influencer marketing works. Social media users, particularly those in the younger demographics, are extremely savvy at spotting anything disingenuous and quickly disregarding it. 

People don’t mind influencer ads, they mind being manipulated or lied to so finding an influencer that’s fully aligned with your company is our major focus.

4. Optimize

While the influencer speaks to their audience in a way that’s genuine to their brand and relatable to their audience it doesn’t mean there’s nothing more we can do to amplify and optimize the strategy. We’ll provide you with reports on performance and make adjustments with the many tools we have at our disposal to fine-tune the funnel and bring leads and conversion down the pipeline. We’ll modify as needed until your campaign brings you the happy ROI you’re after.

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