

The Benefits of Email Marketing and a SMS Advertising Agency


Low Cost

The beauty of it is that unlike all your other marketing costs, you do not have to pay anything to reach customers on your email list, you already have them! There are no print and postage costs. No production budgets for your photo or video shoot. No ad buys on TV or billboards.

Targeted Messaging

With email marketing, you’re reaching out to an audience that’s already engaging with you. Customers are asking to receive this messaging and content from you.

Personalized messaging in the form of email list segmentation allows you to target specific parts of your audience and because this type of marketing is so cost-efficient, you don’t spend a ton in the process. If you’re running a promotion in your New York location, do your customers in LA need to know? Custom email marketing at its finest.

Ease of Use and Setup

Unlike print, digital, tv or billboards the creative side is much simpler here and you don’t need a massive team and outside help to get this done. Of course, like those other mediums, you can complicate the process with all kinds of extravagance but in general, this is a space to keep clean.

Think about the majority of emails you’re getting and the ones that are most successful. How do those look?

Analytics and Immediate Adjustments

If you need to make a change in a video or print campaign, what would that cost you? How easy is it to measure the effectiveness of your other advertising efforts? While it’s doable (and something we do here at The Snow Agency), email marketing is among the most measurable forms of marketing. We can quickly see your open and click-through rates and learn what’s converting and what’s not. From there we can be supremely agile in making the appropriate changes immediately.

Maximized ROI

As mentioned, the return on investment with email marketing is unrivaled, nothing comes close to the nearly $40 you gain to each 1 dollar spent. At the end of the day, this is why you spend the money and the easiest way to measure results.

If executed properly, email marketing will be your most valuable complementary revenue stream.

We can help design an aggressive email collection funnel and develop ways to incentivize high-intent prospective or existing customers to sign up for your email list. We are constantly A/B testing ad copy, creative and promotional campaigns to deliver you the best results and revenue possible.



How to Manage Email Marketing Campaigns


1. Learn

Before making any changes, we jump into your current email structure and strategize the ins and outs of what content, ad copy or incentives are needed to drive purchase decisions most quickly.

This is straightforward but with knowledge comes power.

2. Optimize

We will segment your email list into a vast array of different groups which allows us to send customers more personalized and, more importantly, relevant emails. 

We are constantly split testing every step of the email funnel to increase open rates.

Gone are the days of sending everyone the same exact message. Email isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.

3. Automated Sequences and Flows

Following the customer through the process so to speak, we create automated abandon cart sequences to win back high intent customers and convert them into making a purchase. This is an ecosystem-wide approach that tactfully uses email, push notifications, SMS messaging and FB messenger.

Additionally, we create customized “welcome” and post-cart flows to cross-sell and upsell customers into making repeat purchases. Turning potentially one-off customers into retained ones.

4. Plan

We will plan out a 90-day window of all marketing campaigns. During this process, we also make ample recommendations for opportunistic campaigns that we can also apply to our other marketing channels. 

This is part of the holistic approach we take to your marketing efforts across the board. All for one, one for all as the 3 Musketeers would say.

5. Outbound Campaigns

We will create highly customized outbound campaigns via email, SMS, push notifications, and FB messenger. This is everything from strategy to the setup and oversight of the process.

6. Grow

The beauty of email marketing services is the ease of measurability they come with. The analytics run deep and are relatively quickly attained making the path to growth clearer. Moreover, we have the tools and technology to capture as much customer information as possible. Combine that with adjustments we make along the way and we can help grow your email, SMS, messenger and push notification database.

7. Repeat

The work never stops! This is the hard truth with all of our efforts, we are constantly working and studying the numbers, feedback and insights to create an ever more efficient email marketing machine to increase your revenues consistently.

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